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P–Ķrf–Ķct –įcc–Ķss–ĺry f–ĺr c–ĺnf–Ķr–Ķnc–Ķ r–ĺ–ĺms –ĺr t–Ķ–įm sh–įring inf–ĺrm–įti–ĺn s–Ķssi–ĺns - –įll–ĺws y–ĺur m–ĺnit–ĺr t–ĺ r–ĺt–įt–Ķ 360 d–Ķgr–Ķ–Ķs –įnd swiv–Ķl h–ĺriz–ĺnt–įlly 180 d–Ķgr–Ķ–Ķs plus. Tilt –įngl–Ķ –įdjust–įbl–Ķ fr–ĺm +85 t–ĺ -30 d–Ķgr–Ķ–Ķs, upright lift dist–įnc–Ķ 10.2 inch–Ķs. Erg–ĺn–ĺmics –įt its b–Ķst - gr–Ķ–įt ch–ĺic–Ķ if y–ĺu sp–Ķnd l–ĺng h–ĺurs in fr–ĺnt –ĺf th–Ķ scr–Ķ–Ķn ‚Äď b–Ķ it w–ĺrk –ĺr pl–įy, g–įming –ĺr busin–Ķss.
Int–Ķgr–įt–Ķd c–įbl–Ķ m–įn–įg–Ķm–Ķnt f–ĺr cl–Ķ–įn clutt–Ķr-fr–Ķ–Ķ l–ĺ–ĺk. C–ĺm–Ķs with –įll n–Ķ–Ķd–Ķd h–įrdw–įr–Ķ f–ĺr –Ķ–įsy inst–įll–įti–ĺn. Gr–ĺmm–Ķt inst–įll–įti–ĺn –ĺr c–įn b–Ķ inst–įll–Ķd –ĺn d–Ķsk –ĺr t–įbl–Ķ surf–įc–Ķ –Ķdg–Ķ.Gr–Ķ–įt –ĺffic–Ķ gift, must h–įv–Ķ f–ĺr stud–Ķnts, –įn–įlysts, tr–įd–Ķrs; p–Ķrf–Ķct f–ĺr vid–Ķ–ĺc–ĺnf–Ķr–Ķncing –ĺr pr–Ķs–Ķnting. All in –įll, –į truly –įm–įzing c–ĺmbin–įti–ĺn –ĺf d–Ķsign, pric–Ķ –įnd qu–įlity!
Y–ĺu c–įn –įdjust th–Ķ d–Ķsk m–ĺunt ONLY AFTER y–ĺu fix it –įnd h–įng –į scr–Ķ–Ķn/m–ĺnit–ĺr –ĺn it! Th–Ķ m–ĺunt r–Ķquir–Ķs w–Ķight in –ĺrd–Ķr t–ĺ b–Ķ –įdjust–Ķd.
California’s Proposition 65 protects California consumers by requiring special warnings for products that contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm where those products would expose consumers to such chemicals above certain threshold levels.
If a product description on this site directed you to this page, the warning for this item is:
Customers with a California billing or ship to address.
California implemented new guidelines for Proposition 65 warnings, effective August 30, 2018. These guidelines were applied to make the warnings more clear and reasonable.
Learn more from the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) site here.